Water supply of Rundugai, Tanzania

During a survey in 2007, rooftop water harvesting was determined to be the most appropriate water supply method in Rundugai, Tanzania. A design was made, including a first flush system. In 2009 a total of 6 rooftop water harvesting systems was constructed: five smaller ones for households and a larger one for a dispensary.

Project details

Project location:Rundugai area, Tanzania
(find climate data for this location)
Project manager:Cedrick Gijsbertsen
External website:
Period:2007 - 2009

Project partners

Rundugai Catholic Mission
Rundugai Catholic Mission
Aqua for All
Aqua for All

Data for this project

Construction of rainwater harvesting systems in the Rundugai area, Tanzania

Mission report, 28-04-2009 - 10-05-2009
Size: 2.12 MB
Date: 2009-12-21
Author: L. Borst, S.A. de Haas, C. Gijsbertsen, J. Paauw
Contact: sanderdehaas@samsamwater.com

Mission Report Rundugai Tanzania

Water in the Rundugai area Mission report, 27-06-2007 - 11-07-2007
Size: 942.80 KB
Date: 2007-12-13
Author: Sander de Haas & Lucas Borst
Contact: sanderdehaas@samsamwater.com

Rainwater harvesting maintenance manual

Rainwater harvesting maintenance manual (English)
Size: 110.55 KB
Date: 2008-11-01
Author: Sander de Haas & Lucas Borst
Contact: sanderdehaas@samsamwater.com

Kitini chamafunzo ya uvunaji maji ya mvua

Rainwater harvesting maintenance manual (Swahili)
Size: 1.10 MB
Date: 2008-11-01
Author: Sander de Haas & Lucas Borst
Contact: sanderdehaas@samsamwater.com

Soil map of the Arusha and Monduli Area

Scale 1: 250,000
Size: 2.03 MB
Date: 1974-01-01
Author: Soil Research Institute