Hydrological advice for Yeelmulwa dam

The Rotary clubs IJmond, Velsen, Santpoort, Beverwijk (The Netherlands) and Machakos (Kenya) have initiated several successful rainwater harvesting projects in Kenya. One of the projects, an earth dam with a water intake and distribution kiosk near Yeemulwa village has been functioning successfully during the first seasons after the construction. Only recently the amount of water that is available for the community has diminished.

Rotary International has asked SamSamWater to investigate the hydrological functioning of the dam and to identify possible solutions to increase the amount of water available for the community.

Project details

Project location:Yeemulwa, Kathonzweni District, Kenya
(find climate data for this location)
Project manager:Sander de Haas & Lucas Borst
External website:http://www.rotary.nl/
Period:2010 - 2011

Project partners

Rotaryclub IJmond
Rotaryclub IJmond
Aqua for All
Aqua for All

Data for this project

Hydrological monitoring of the Yeemulwa dam reservoir

Monitoring plan for the Yeemulwa dam reservoir.
Size: 557.17 KB
Date: 2010-10-06
Author: Lucas Borst & Sander de Haas
Contact: sanderdehaas@samsamwater.com