Water resources Kilonito Kajiado County Kenya
In response to a request by residents of Kilonito SamSamWater was approached via four Dutch participants of a MasterPeace walk, to provide technical advice on possibilities of enhancing access to clean and safe water (both domestic and livestock) for the community at Kilonito, Kajiado Couny. We carried out a quick scan of the possible water resources based on a desk study and field study carried out by Samwel Jakinda. Kajiado County has in the last decade experienced increasingly regular and prolonged droughts compounding the water situation in the county hence adversely affecting people’s livelihoods. Rainwater harvesting techniques aren't sufficient. Most people from the villages get their drinking water from the shallow wells at Suree river, at a distance of approximately 4-5 kilometers. A reliable source closer to the homesteads is very much desired,for both domestic use and for cattle. There are opportunities to improve the current rainwater harvesting techniques (earth dams), but surface run-off will probably not be a reliable water source for long periods of drought. Water from the river bank seems to be a reliable and continuous source. Further analyses is needed to assess the possibilities and to improve and protect the current shallow wells.
Project details
Project location: | Kajiado County, Kenya |
(find climate data for this location) | |
Project manager: | Maarten Kuiper, Cedrick Gijsbertsen, Samwel Jakinda |
External website: | |
Period: | 2017 |