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SamSamWater makes information on water and sanitation easy to find and accessible for all. This page contains a database with practical information, data and (GIS)maps.

We believe information should be shared to make water and sanitation projects more successful. The information in the database is gathered from numerous sources, such as research institutes, companies, NGOs and government organisations.

Do you have information we can integrate into this database, or if you have comments or questions, please contact us!

133 items found within the database

Sand Dams: a Practical Guide

Simon Maddrell and Ian Neal, Excellent Development (2012)

This manual describes the process of siting, design, construction and management of sand dams. It is aimed at technical and programme management staff working in arid and semi-arid lands who are interested in trialling the application of sand dams in new areas. The manual draws upon the experience of constructing sand dams in Kenya, where the majority of the world’s sand dams are located. Its primary purpose is to capture this experience. (source)
Sand Dams: a Practical Guide

SSWM Toolbox

The Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management Toolbox is an open-source capacity development tool for the local level, linking water management, sanitation and agriculture.
Focussing on the human influence on the water and nutrient cycle, it presents solutions for a sustainable use, treatment and reuse of water resources.
The Toolbox aims at capacitating people not only with knowledge, but also with application skills. It provides both help in project planning and implementation, focuses on technologies (hardware) and behavioural change approaches (software), and compiles the relevant further readings, links, exercises etc. for each topic. In that way, it is not a reinvention of the wheel, but the long needed overview on the host of approaches and technologies in the water and sanitation sector. The Toolbox contains also a large library, a glossary, a Train-the-Trainer's section topped by downloadable and adjustable PowerPoint presentations on specific topics. It is open source and for free – but quality approved. Today, the Toolbox is used as online resource for both, learning and teaching. This concept is coupled with training courses and workshops based on a worldwide network.
SSWM Toolbox

Sand dams or silt traps?

Erik Nissen-Petersen, ASAL Consultants Ltd. (2011)

It has been known from the African Land Development Project (ALDEV) since the late 1950s, that the spillways of sand dams must be raised in stages not exceeding a height of 50 cm in order for floods to deposit coarse sand from where most water can be extracted. If a spillway is not built in stages, then silt will be deposited instead of sand and very little water, if any, can be extracted from such a sand dam - or is it a silt trap? (source)
Sand dams or silt traps?

Subsurface dams built of soil

Erik Nissen-Petersen, ASAL Consultants Ltd. (2011)

Paper on subsurface dams, their benefits and practical experiences with the planning, design and construction of subsurface dams. (source)
Subsurface dams built of soil

Artificial groundwater recharge for water supply of medium-size communities in developing countries

E.H. Hofkes and J.T. Visscher, International Reference Centre for Community Water Supply and Sanitation The Hague, The Netherlands (1986)

This document integrates material selected from many sources, both published and unpublished. The focus is on potential application of artificial groundwater recharge for water supply of medium-size communities.
The purpose of this document is to provide planners and engineers with practical information to assess the potential for application of artificial groundwater recharge schemes in rural water supply programmes or projects. (source)
Artificial groundwater recharge for water supply of medium-size communities in developing countries

Cisternas rurales

A.W.A. Oosterbaan & J.V. Martinez, Departemento de Ague para el Chaco (1987)

Un manual para su dimensionamiento construction, y mantenimiento en el chaco central, Paraguay. (source)
Cisternas rurales

A practical guide to sand dam implementation

RAIN Foundation, RAIN Foundation ()

Water supply through local structures as adaptation to climage change (source)
A practical guide to sand dam implementation

A study to upscaling of the principle and sediment transport processes behind sand storage dams, Kitui District, Kenya

Cedrick Gijsbertsen, VU (2007)

A study on the upscaling of the sand storage dam and the sedimentation processes that occur in the surroudings of the sand storage dam. (source)
A study to upscaling of the principle and sediment transport processes behind sand storage dams, Kitui District, Kenya


Brilliant collection of maps. Contains an extensive resource of topographical maps, from 1:1,000,000 reference maps to 1:2,500 city maps. To view the maps, click on the tab 'Map Layers', click on 'Base mapping' and select the desired maps.
Maps and GIS data


Akvopedia from

Wikipedia-like knowledgebase on water and sanitation. Contains many useful smart and affordable technical solutions and effective approaches.
Akvopedia from

Analysis and Evaluation of Pumping Test Data

G.P. Kruseman, N.A. de Ridder, ILRI (1994)

A reference book on aquifer test analyses methods. The first chapter summarizes the basic concepts and definitions of terms relevant to the subject. The next chapter describes how to conduct a pumping test. The remaining chapters deal with the analysis and evaluation of pumping test data from a variety of aquifer types or aquifer systems, and from tests conducted under particular technical conditions. (source)
Analysis and Evaluation of Pumping Test Data


Wikipedia-like knowledgebase on collaborative solutions in sustainability, poverty reduction and international development. Including sections on Water and Health.

Aquo-lex Waterwoordenboek

IDsW, IDsW, NHV (2010)

A list with water-related expresions and it's explenation (in dutch) (source)
Aquo-lex Waterwoordenboek

ArcGIS online

Web interface of the different ESRI basemaps (aerial, topographic, terrain, etc.).
Maps and GIS data

ArcGIS online

ArcGIS Services Directory

Directory of the ESRI basemaps, with links to open them in ESRI software (e.g. ArcMAP) or in Google Earth (not available for every map).
ArcGIS Services Directory

Arsenic in groundwater – a world problem

Tony Appelo, IAH (2006)

Symposium organised by IAH’s Dutch Chapter and the Netherlands’ Hydrological Society, 29 November 2006, Utrecht, The Netherlands Arsenic contamination of groundwater has occurred in various parts of the world, most notably the Ganges Delta of Bangladesh and West Bengal, India, causing serious arsenic poisoning amongst large numbers of people. It is a natural occurring high concentration of arsenic in deeper levels of groundwater, which became a high-profile problem in recent years due to the use of deep tube wells for water supply in the Ganges Delta. Parts of Thailand, Taiwan, Argentina, Chile and China have also been affected. (source)
Arsenic in groundwater – a world problem


Web interface to select and download ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) files. The ASTER GDEM has a resolution of 15 x 15 meter and is the most detailed elevation model that is freely available worldwide.
Maps and GIS data


Basic Ground-Water Hydrology

Ralph C. Heath, USGS (1987)

A document with the basics on (groundwater) hydrology in well understandable language (source)
Basic Ground-Water Hydrology

Construction of wire-reinforced cement mortar tanks

Neil Herath, Comminity Water Supply & Sanitation Project (CWSSP), Ministry of Housing, Construction & Public Utilities, Sri Lanka (1995)

this document has been scanned from earlier manuals and standardizations prepared by Neil Herath for CWSSP – Sri Lanka ( April 1995), and as Manual 3 of the Technical Manual Series on Rural Water Supply and Sanitation, Gravity Water Supply Systems: design and construction (January 2005). It is redesigned to look like the 2005 CWSSP manual guiding field work on wirereinforced cement mortar tanks, commonly known as ferrocement tanks (Han Heijnen, October 2010) (source)
Construction of wire-reinforced cement mortar tanks

CoordTrans geographic coordinates conversion

CoordTrans converts geographic coordinates between different coordinate systems. Convert between UTM, WGS84 and NAD27 / NAD83, and more. You can convert single coordinates, or coordinates stored in text files, Access databases or in ESRI Shapefiles. A free 7 day trial version can be downloaded. After you can buy the software for € 19.95 (standard) or € 49 (pro version).

CoordTrans geographic coordinates conversion

Digital atlas of Namibia

Contains maps on climate, physical geography, living-resources, land & history and people, services & infrastructure.
Maps and GIS data

Digital atlas of Namibia

Discharge measurement structures

M.G. Bos, ILRI (1989)

A handbook that presents instructions, standards, and procedures for the selection, design, and use of structures, which measure or regulate the flow rate in open channels. (source)
Discharge measurement structures


Download free GIS data (boundaries, places, roads, elevation, land cover, population) for any country in the world.
Maps and GIS data


Drainage Principles and Applications

H.P. Ritzema, ILRI (1994)

A handbook with discussions and aspects on drainage systems (source)
Drainage Principles and Applications

Drip Irrigation; Options for smallholder farmers in eastern and southern Africa

Isaya V. Sijali, Sida's Regional Land Management Unit (2001)

Smallholder farmers in the semi-arid regions of eastern and southern Africa have to depend on erratic, unreliable and low rainfall for their livelihoods. Subsistence staple food crops are generally grown under rainfed conditions. Consequently there is a growing interest in complementing this risky rainfed food production with cultivation of high-value vegetable crops and fruits. But in most cases this means these small-scale vegetable gardens and orchards must be irrigated in order to assure an economic return. Drip irrigation methods minimize the non-productive water losses associated with conventional irrigation, e.g. from evaporation and soil runoff, and thus can make more efficient use of the already minimal water supplies in these arid areas. But until recently drip irrigation technology had been associated with costly investments available only to large commercial farmers. Now there is growing interest in the technique and many efforts are being made around the world to develop low-cost, simple, drip irrigation systems suitable for smallholder farmers. This handbook presents some of these drip irrigation options that can be promoted by extension officers in eastern and southern Africa. It describes the most interesting small-scale low-cost drip irrigation methods of which the author and the other contributors have practical experience. It also gives a brief overview of methods that have been used successfully in other parts of the world with details of how to obtain further information about them or order equipment. (source)
RELMA Technical Handbook Series No. 24 (all items in this serie)

Irrigation, agriculture and land husbandry

Drip Irrigation; Options for smallholder
farmers in eastern and
southern Africa

East View Cartographic

Online shop selling a wide range of maps including topographic maps of many (developing) countries. Some maps are available in print, others only as digital files. Has a wider collection than Omnimap, but is more expensive.
Maps and GIS data

East View Cartographic

Enclosures to protect and conserve; For better livelihood of the West Pokot community

Aichi Kitalyi, Alphonce Musili, Jorge Suazo, Fredrick Ogutu, Sida's Regional Land Management Unit (2002)

A fieldguide to improve land resources. A guide with tips and tricks on land rehabilitation. (source)
RELMA Technical Pamphlet No. 2 (all items in this serie)

Irrigation, agriculture and land husbandry

Enclosures to protect and conserve; For better livelihood of the West Pokot community

Engineering Geology Field Manual

Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior (1998)

The manual etablishes common guidelines, procedures and concepts for the collection, evaluation and presentation of geologic information. How to use geological information to obtain site charateristics and risk evaluation. (source)
Geology and soils

Engineering Geology Field Manual

Ensuring Sustained Beneficial Outcomes for Water and Sanitation Programmes in the Developing World

Brian Mathew, IRC (2005)

A thesis that gives approaches to achieve sustained beneficial outcomes from WATSAN (WAter and SAnitation projects in development countries). Secondly it gives insight in the up-scaling of these approaches, (source)
Occasional Paper Series 40 (all items in this serie)

Socio-economic and organisation

Ensuring Sustained Beneficial
Outcomes for Water and Sanitation
Programmes in the Developing World

European Digital Archive of Soil Maps of Africa

An impressive collection of soil maps from all over Africa (over 2000!). All maps can be viewed and downloaded in high resolution. Contains also some topographical maps. Searchable by country, scale, year, of keyword.
European Digital Archive of Soil Maps of Africa

European Digital Archive of Soil Maps of Asia

A large collection of soil maps of Asia. Searchable by country, scale, year, of keyword.
European Digital Archive of Soil Maps of Asia

European Digital Archive of Soil Maps of the World

Soil maps of the world, a large collection of scanned soil maps from all over the world.
European Digital Archive of Soil Maps of the World

Farmers' initiatives in land husbandry; Promising technologies for the drier areas of East Africa

Kithinji Mutunga, Will Critchley, Sida's Regional Land Management Unit (2001)

Farmers’ Initiatives in Land Husbandry’ lays out case studies of 18 of the most interesting technical systems uncovered during three years of working with farmer innovators in East Africa. (source)
Farmers' initiatives in land husbandry; Promising technologies for the
drier areas of East Africa

Free Geography Tools - E00 conversion

Converting E00 Vector Data To Shapefiles. The method uses the program 'import71.exe'. If you have ArcView 9 this program can be found in the ArcGIS/bin/ folder where the ArcGIS program is installed.
Free Geography Tools - E00 conversion

GeoCommunity GIS Data Depot

Free GIS data on most countries of the world (boundaries, roads, places, rivers, etc.).
Maps and GIS data

GeoCommunity GIS Data Depot

Search for names of cities, town, villages, regions, districts, mountains, nature reserves, etc. in a worldwide geographical database. Contains (much) more names than Google Maps.

Global Land Cover Facility

An interface to search and download (free) satellite imagery from around the world. Imagery from (a.o.) Landsat, ASTER, IKONOS, MODIS and SRTM satellites can be accessed. Detailes on the different types of data can be found here:
Maps and GIS data

Global Land Cover Facility

Google Map Maker Data Download

Download the GIS data (in .SHP or .KML format) that is behind Google Maps. Contains information on (rail)roads, places, waterbodies, nature reserves, etc. The data is provided free for non-commercial use.
Maps and GIS data

Google Map Maker Data Download

Groundwater Hydrology

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1999)

An overview and detailed description on the different steps to be taken to enhance a groundwater-related project (source)
Groundwater Hydrology

Guidelines for drinking-water quality

WHO, WHO (2006)

The document describes a “Framework for Drinking-water Safety” and discusses the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders, including the complementary roles of national regulators, suppliers, communities and independent “surveillance” agencies.
Guidelines for drinking-water quality

Handbook for the Assessment of Catchment Water Demand and Use

HR Wallingford, DFID, HR Wallingford (2003)

The book provides the user with a range of appropriate methods for estimating water demand and use across a range of water uses including environmental, urban, industrial, rural domestic and agricultural sectors. (source)
Handbook for the Assessment of Catchment Water Demand and Use

Höckmann map collection

Wide collection of maps, sorted by continent and country.
Maps and GIS data

Höckmann map collection

Hydrology of Sand Storage Dams - A case study in the Kiindu catchment, Kitui District, Kenya

Lucas Borst, Sander de Haas, VU (2006)

This report reflects the results of a research project concerning the hydrology around sand storage dams. The Kitui district is one of the arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya. For (drinking)water most people heavily rely on water supply from the riverbeds of ephemeral rivers. SASOL is a local NGO which builds so called sand storage dams in ephemeral rivers to increase the water availability during the dry season. Sand storage dams are small (generally a few meters high) dams built in the riverbed behind which sand accumulates, enlarging the natural aquifer. The groundwater in the riverbed is obstructed by the dam and retained between the pores in the sand, making it available for people and animals during the dry season. (source)
Hydrology of Sand Storage Dams - A case study in the Kiindu catchment, Kitui District, Kenya

IGRAC Global Groundwater Information System

Global Groundwater Information System, with maps on groundwater quality, quantity, development, artificial recharge and more. But it only shows averages per country. Only works in Internet Explorer.
IGRAC Global Groundwater Information System


Search and download (free) GIS data from the ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute). Contains much GIS data on Kenya (from boundaries to population data) and some data on other countries.
Maps and GIS data


International Stratigraphic Chart

ICS, IUGS, ICS (2008)

The classic 'geological time scale' is a hierarchical ordinal system, in which the eras are ranked: 'stages' nest within 'series'within 'systems' within 'eras' within 'eons'. The ICS publishes a representation of the geologic timescale as a coloured stratigraphic chart, showing the order and names of the elements of the time scale, and the dates of the boundaries as fixed through GSSP where available. (source)
Geology and soils

International Stratigraphic Chart

Introductory Guide to Appropriate Solutions for Water and Sanitation

Richard Holden, Tania Swanepoel, DWAF (2004)

This guideline is for use by municipalities and their service providers as an introduction to the range of appropriate solutions available for water supply and sanitation, and where and how these are suited to different situations. (source)
Introductory Guide to Appropriate Solutions for Water and Sanitation

ISRIC - World Soil Information Database

ISRIC - World Soil Information Database, you can search the database using the menu on the left. Some of the reports and maps can be viewed online and downloaded.
ISRIC - World Soil Information Database

l'Eau: des Solutions Simples et Économiques

NWP, NWP (2006)

Cette brochure sur l’eau, comme sa contrepartie ‘Des Solutions intelligentes pour l’assainissement’ (Smart Sanitation Solutions), relate des exemples d’innovations à petite échelle telles que la désinfection solaire de l’eau, l’emploi de filtres à eau efficaces et peu coûteux, le recours à l’irrigation goutte à goutte à bas-coût et l’utilisation de pompes manuelles fabriquées localement et cinq fois moins chères que les pompes importées. En adoptant ces technologies, les foyers défavorisés dans les zones rurales peuvent doubler, voire tripler leur revenu annuel. Les solutions à petite échelle ont montré qu’elles pouvaient être économiquement rentables. Installées en grand nombre, elles peuvent à la fois améliorer la santé publique, relancer la production agricole et générer des activités locales. C’est pourquoi la diffusion à grande échelle de ces technologies est essentielle. (source)
l'Eau: des Solutions Simples et Économiques

LMNO Engineering fluid flow calculations

Many calculations and conversions on: flow in pipes, open channels, hydrology, groundwater, weirs, water hammer, pressure, discharge, etc.

LMNO Engineering fluid flow calculations

Low-cost methods of rainwater storage; Results from field trials in Ethiopia and Kenya

Kithinji Mutunga, Will Critchley, Sida's Regional Land Management Unit (2002)

Rainwater harvesting is one solution to the problems of water shortage in the drier areas of Africa, but its implementation presents a number of challenges, of which storage is the main one. Many people in rural areas who would like to harvest rainwater lack the resources to do so. Conventional stone, brick or ferrocement tanks are costly, and therefore there is a great need for cheaper alternatives. This publication gives an account of two trials conducted in 1998/99 to investigate some such alternatives. In Ethiopia, five different methods of tank construction were tested in the suburbs of Nazareth town in Adama Woreda. In Kenya, six different methods were tested during the same period at various locations in Machakos and Makueni Districts. A main feature of the alternative tank designs is that they are built underground, which reduces the need for reinforcement materials. (source)
RELMA Technical Handbook Series No. 28 (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Rainwater harvesting
Roofwater harvesting

Low-cost methods of rainwater storage; Results from field trials in Ethiopia and Kenya

Manual on Sand Dams in Ethiopia

ERHA, RAIN Foundation, ()

A practical approach on sand dam site selection, design and construction. A tool for combining sand dams with other rainwater harvesting structures. (source)
Manual on Sand Dams in Ethiopia

Map Library

The Map Library is a source of public domain basic map data concerning administrative boundaries in developing countries. Contains data from Africa and Central America.
Maps and GIS data

Map Library

NASA SRTM elevation data

Information and backgrounds on the SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) elevation data (DEM). The data can also be downloaded from this site, however the interface at GLCF is much more easy to navigate.
Maps and GIS data

NASA SRTM elevation data

OneGeology Portal

A beautiful web-viewer with a lot of digital geological maps all over the World. Some maps have a very large scale (continent), others are more detailed (country). You can export the maps from their portal as KML files to view in Google Earth. Background information and a 'Getting started' guide can be found here:
OneGeology Portal


Online shop selling a wide range of maps including topographic maps of many (developing) countries. Some maps are available in print, others only as digital files. Has a (bit) smaller collection than Eastview, but is (much) cheaper.
Maps and GIS data


Poehali Russion Topo Maps

Very detailed topographic maps made in Soviet time, but are still very useful for reference, although the Russian labels are hard to read. In the bottom left of the screen you can switch the interface to English.
Maps and GIS data

Poehali Russion Topo Maps

RAIN Water Quality Guidelines; Guidelines and practical tools on rainwater quality

RAIN Foundation, RAIN Foundation (2008)

This document addresses RAINs guidelines towards water quality and gives criteria and practical guidelines to improve and maintain an acceptable water quality of harvested rainwater for drinking purpose. (source)
RAIN Water Quality Guidelines; Guidelines and practical tools on rainwater quality

Rainwater harvesting for domestic use

Janette Worm, Tim van Hattum, Agromisa (2006)

Book Agrodok 43: 'Rainwater harvesting for domestic use' with useful and practical applications of rainwater harvesting in developing countries. (source)
Rainwater harvesting for domestic use

Rainwater harvesting for natural resources management; A planning guide for Tanzania

Nuhu Hatibu, Henry F. Mahoo, Sida's Regional Land Management Unit (2000)

A planning handbook that provides planners with practical tips on how rainwater harvesting can form an integrated part of district development efforts. The book also gives practical guidelines in the planning steps required to incorporate rainwater harvesting in development plans, and shows how to implement them in the farmers’ context. (source)
Rainwater harvesting for natural resources management; A planning guide for Tanzania

Rainwater Harvesting in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones

Th.M. Boers, ILRI (1994)

The publication describes a procedure for the design of micro-catchments in sem-arid areas. (source)
Rainwater Harvesting in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones

Reliefweb GIS data

GIS files of boundaries (several levels of detail), cities, roads, etc.
Maps and GIS data

Reliefweb GIS data

Roofwater Harvesting; A Handbook for Practitioners

T.H. Thomas, D.B. Martinson, IRC (2007)

A handbook with guidelines for implementing (low cost) domestic roofwater harvesting systems or programmes. (source)
Roofwater Harvesting; A Handbook for Practitioners

SamSamWater Climate Tool (precipitation & evaporation)

Local climate data is very important for water studies. However, climate data is not always available or accessible. The SamSamWater Climate Tool uses data from 28800 stations of FAOCLIM to estimate precipitation and evaporation anywhere on Earth.
SamSamWater Climate Tool (precipitation & evaporation)

SamSamWater UTM Zones Tool

The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system is a method of specifying locations on Earth. When working with a GPS or maps based on the UTM-system, it is necessary to know in which UTM zone you are. This tool displays all UTM grid zones on a map, which enables you to find the correct zone.
SamSamWater UTM Zones Tool

Search Alterra maps

A collection of maps from the Alterra Institute (Wageningen University). Use the searchform on the right, the 'Region thesaurus' on the left doesn't work properly.
Search Alterra maps

Small Community Water Supplies: Aeration (chapter 13)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Water quality, treatment and purification

Small Community Water Supplies: Aeration (chapter 13)

Small Community Water Supplies: Artificial recharge (chapter 6)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Infiltration and artificial recharge

Small Community Water Supplies: Artificial recharge (chapter 6)

Small Community Water Supplies: Coagulation and flocculation (chapter 14)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Water quality, treatment and purification

Small Community Water Supplies: Coagulation and flocculation (chapter 14)

Small Community Water Supplies: Desanilation Technology (chapter 18)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Water quality, treatment and purification

Small Community Water Supplies: Desanilation Technology (chapter 18)

Small Community Water Supplies: Disinfection (chapter 19)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Water quality, treatment and purification

Small Community Water Supplies: Disinfection (chapter 19)

Small Community Water Supplies: Groundwater Withdrawal (chapter 10)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Groundwater hydrology

Small Community Water Supplies: Groundwater Withdrawal (chapter 10)

Small Community Water Supplies: Integrated water resource management (chapter 5)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Socio-economic and organisation

Small Community Water Supplies: Integrated water resource management (chapter 5)

Small Community Water Supplies: Introduction (chapter 1)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

This book provides a general introduction to a wide range of technologies. Among the topics covered are: planning and management of small water supplies, community water supplies in Central and Eastern European countries, water quality and quantity, integrated water resources management, artificial recharge, rainwater harvesting, spring water tapping, groundwater withdrawal, water lifting, surface water intake, water treatment, aeration, coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, multi-stage filtration, desalination technology, disinfection, household level water treatment, technologies for arsenic and iron removal from ground water, and emergency and disaster water supply. Target audience: Engineers and other staff involved in water supply programmes and projects, and students (source)
Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Socio-economic and organisation

Small Community Water Supplies: Introduction (chapter 1)

Small Community Water Supplies: Multi-stage filtration (chapter 16)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Water quality, treatment and purification

Small Community Water Supplies: Multi-stage filtration (chapter 16)

Small Community Water Supplies: Planning and Management (chapter 2)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Socio-economic and organisation

Small Community Water Supplies: Planning and Management (chapter 2)

Small Community Water Supplies: Pumping (chapter 9)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Groundwater hydrology

Small Community Water Supplies: Pumping (chapter 9)

Small Community Water Supplies: Rain water harvesting (chapter 7)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Rainwater harvesting

Small Community Water Supplies: Rain water harvesting (chapter 7)

Small Community Water Supplies: Rapid filtration (chapter 17)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Water quality, treatment and purification

Small Community Water Supplies: Rapid filtration (chapter 17)

Small Community Water Supplies: Sedimentation (chapter 15)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Water quality, treatment and purification

Small Community Water Supplies: Sedimentation (chapter 15)

Small Community Water Supplies: Small community water services (chapter 3)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Socio-economic and organisation

Small Community Water Supplies: Small community water services (chapter 3)

Small Community Water Supplies: Spring water tapping (chapter 8)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Groundwater hydrology

Small Community Water Supplies: Spring water tapping (chapter 8)

Small Community Water Supplies: Surface water (chapter 11)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Surface water hydrology

Small Community Water Supplies: Surface water (chapter 11)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technologies for arsenic removal (chapter 23)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Water quality, treatment and purification

Small Community Water Supplies: Technologies for arsenic removal (chapter 23)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technologies for fluoride removal (chapter 22)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Water quality, treatment and purification

Small Community Water Supplies: Technologies for fluoride removal (chapter 22)

Small Community Water Supplies: Water distribution (chapter 21)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques

Small Community Water Supplies: Water distribution (chapter 21)

Small Community Water Supplies: Water quality and quantity (chapter 4)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

In this chapter guidelines are given for the quality and quantity of water required for different levels of service. (source)
Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Water quality, treatment and purification

Small Community Water Supplies: Water quality and quantity (chapter 4)

Small Community Water Supplies: Water supply in disasters and emergencies (chapter 24)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

This chapter focuses on the provision of drinking water supplies in emergency situations. It suggests both immediate and longer-term inputs that can be implemented by external agencies or by communities themselves. (source)
Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Socio-economic and organisation

Small Community Water Supplies: Water supply in disasters and emergencies (chapter 24)

Small Community Water Supplies: Water transmission (chapter 20)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques

Small Community Water Supplies: Water transmission (chapter 20)

Small Community Water Supplies: Water treatment (chapter 12)

Jo Smet, Christine van Wijk, IRC (2002)

Small Community Water Supplies: Technology, people and partnership (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques
Water quality, treatment and purification

Small Community Water Supplies: Water treatment (chapter 12)

Smart Disinfections Solutions

NWP, NWP (2010)

This booklet aims to help achieve the drinking water targets as stated in Millennium Development Goals 7: halving the proportion of people who don't have sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. In 2009 some 884 million people still did not have access to an improved water facility. Experience shows that access to 'improved' water supply facilities is no guarantee for safe and reliable water. Especially in developing countries tap water can be unsafe, because of inadequate treatment, recontamination during transport or storage or at home. 'Point of use' and small-scale treatment is a promising strategy to improve access to safe drinking water, in particular for the poor. Recent studies show that PoU reduces diarrhea morbidity for children under 5 by 29 % and is more effective than source water treatment, piped water on premises and improved public water supply. All the more reason to provide those who advise on systems for home water treatment in rural areas with current information on simple methods to improve drinking water for households. This booklet, part of the Smart Water Solutions series, can help them decide which method is best for a specific situation and what effect can be expected with respect to reduction of harmful micro-organisms. It also gives some price indications and refers to specific websites for further information. This publication is a co-production of NWP (Netherlands Water Partnership), Aqua for All and Witteveen+Bos. (source)
Smart Disinfections Solutions

Smart Finance Solutions

NWP, NWP (2009)

This booklet on Smart Finance Solutions, like its equivalents on water and sanitation, gives examples of how different financial mechanisms are being used to finance water, sanitation projects and small local businesses that contribute to reaching MDG-7. The first chapter of this booklet describes different financing mechanisms being applied at household / community (micro-) and at intermediate institutional (meso-) level. It gives examples of how these mechanisms are being used to finance water and sanitation projects or small/ medium enterprises. It also provides the reader with some useful links for further reading. The second part of the booklet describes which business models can be used to obtain different financial mechanisms and gives an overview of how to write a successful business plan or project proposal. This booklet also includes a list of organisations that finance water and sanitation projects/ businesses. The booklet is designed as a source of inspiration, rather than a manual. It will however provide links to further, more in-depth information. (source)
Smart Finance Solutions

Smart Sanitation Solutions

NWP, NWP (2006)

This booklet on sanitation, like its counterpart Smart Water Solutions, gives examples of household and community-based sanitation solutions that have proven effective and affordable. It illustrates a range of innovative sanitation technologies that have already helped thousands of poor families to improve their lives. The technologies described are a source of inspiration. (source)
Smart water solutions (all items in this serie)

Technology and techniques

Smart Sanitation Solutions

Smart Water Harvesting Solutions

NWP, NWP (2007)

This booklet on Smart Water Harvesting describes a number of creative solutions in situations where ‘there seems to be no water’. It shows practical efforts to ‘create water’, especially in drought prone areas. It does not limit itself to the act of harvesting, but includes ‘capturing’ water during periods of rain, so that it is available for periods of drought. Many of the technologies highlighted in this booklet are traditional, but neglected in the modern world, as people try to become less dependent on the wiles of nature. There is an increasing awareness that rather than fighting against nature, people should co-operate with it. That is what water harvesting tries to do. Like its equivalents on Smart Water and Smart Sanitation, this book gives examples that have proven to be effective and affordable. The book is an effective source of inspiration for local communities, civil engineers, NGOs, research institutes, donors and governments. (source)
Smart Water Harvesting Solutions

Smart Water Solutions (English)

NWP, NWP (2006)

This booklet on water gives examples of innovations such as the use of sunlight to purify water, effective low-cost water filters, low-cost drip irrigation and locally prodcued hand pumps that are five times cheaper than imported pumps. By usiing these technologies, poor rural families can double or even triple their annual income. The book is designed as a source of inspiration, rather than a 'how to' manual. This publication is a collaborative effort by eight organisations: NWP (Netherlans Water Partnership), Practica, Simavi, IRC, Agromisa, NCDO, Aqua for All, Partners for Water. (source)
Smart Water Solutions (English)

Soluciones Ingeniosas de Agua

NWP, NWP (2006)

Este folleto sobre agua, al igual que su homólogo Smart Sanitation Solutions (Soluciones Inteligentes en Instalaciones Sanitarias), ofrece ejemplos de soluciones innovadoras como el uso de la luz solar para purificar agua, filtros de agua baratos, sistemas de riego por goteo de bajo costo y bombas de mano de producción local que son cinco veces más baratas que las bombas importadas. (source)
Soluciones Ingeniosas de Agua

Soluções Hídricas Inteligentes

NWP, NWP (2006)

Este livrete sobre água, assim como a sua contrapartida Soluções Inteligentes de Sanidade Pública (Smart Sanitation Solutions), oferece exemplos de inovações como a utilização da luz solar para a purificação de água,filtros de água eficazes de custo reduzido,irrigação gota a gota a custo reduzido e bombas manuais produzidas localmente que são cinco vezes mais baratas do que bombas importadas.Mediante a utilização destas tecnologias, as famílias rurais pobres podem duplicar ou até mesmo triplicar os seus rendimentos anuais. Soluções de pequena escala demonstraram ser mais rentáveis.Ao serem implementadas em grande número, podem ao mesmo tempo impulsionar a saúde, melhorar a produção agrícola e gerar actividades económicas.É por isso que éfundamental a disseminação em grande escala destas tecnologias.Tecnologias inteligentes como estas nos ajudam a enfrentar imediatamente a pobreza. (source)
Soluções Hídricas Inteligentes

SOTER Central Africa

Soil and Terrain Database (SOTER) of Central Africa (free).
SOTER Central Africa

SOTER Northeastern Africa

Soil and Terrain Database (SOTER) of Northeastern Africa ($ 40).
SOTER Northeastern Africa

SOTER Southern Africa

Soil and Terrain Database (SOTER) of Soutern Africa (free).
SOTER Southern Africa

Strategies for Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) in semi-arid areas

Ian Gale, UNESCO International Hydrological Programme, IAH (2005)

The document provides insight into implementing and managing aquifer recharge (MAR) as part of wider water management strategies and, together with other UNESCO-IAH activities. (source)
Strategies for Managed
Aquifer Recharge (MAR)
in semi-arid areas

SubSurface Dams: a simple, safe and affordable technology for pastoralists

VSF-Belgium, VSF-Belgium (2006)

A manual on SubSurface Dams construction based on an experience of Vétérinaires Sans Frontières in Turkana District (Kenya) (source)
SubSurface Dams: a simple, safe and affordable technology for pastoralists

Technology notes

WaterAid, WaterAid (2007)

These technology notes have been prepared following many general enquiries for technical information having been received by WaterAid over the years. Their purpose is to give an outline of the technologies used by WaterAid on long-term development projects in Africa and Asia, and to show alternatives which might be appropriate in different circumstances. It may be possible to determine from the notes the technology which would be appropriate in a particular location. If it is proposed to proceed with the design and construction of a project using any of the principles set out in these notes, it is strongly recommended that further details be obtained from a specialist or from the reference books which are listed at the end of the relevant section. (source)
Technology notes

The auger hole method; A field measurement of the hydraulic conductivity of soil below the water table

W.F.J. van Beers, ILRI (1983)

A detailed description to determine the hydraulic conductivity using the Auger Hole method (source)
ILRI Publication 55 (all items in this serie)


The auger hole method; A field measurement of the hydraulic conductivity of soil below the water table

The Water Channel

TheWaterChannel is an online video channel completely dedicated to water related videos.
The Water Channel

Traditions and innovations in land husbandry; Building on local knowledge in Kabale, Uganda

Will Critchley, Dan Miiro, Jim Ellis-Jones, Stephen Briggs, Joy Tumuhairwe, Sida's Regional Land Management Unit (1999)

A book which describes an approach for improving the conservation of land for production. The book relates the experience of a project in South-West Uganda to build on local practices of soil and water conservation. (source)
Traditions and innovations in land husbandry; Building on local knowledge
in Kabale, Uganda

Tutorial: Using free online data to determine catchment boundaries

This tutorial explains the possibilities of freely available worldwide elevation maps. Data from these maps can be used in hydrological projects, for example to determine catchment boundaries.
Tutorial: Using free online data to determine catchment boundaries

ULAMP extension approach, A guide for field extension agents

Anthony Nyakuni, Sida's Regional Land Management Unit (2001)

This is an extension manual for the Ugandan Land Management Programme and the Swedish Regional Land Management Unit (RELMA). It gives simple guidelines for extension personnel in how to implement participatory, bottom-up approaches in agricultural extension and rural development. (source)
RELMA Technical Handbook Series No. 25 (all items in this serie)

Socio-economic and organisation

ULAMP extension approach, A guide for field
extension agents

UN FAO Africover

A web-interface to quickly view and query the different GIS maps of the UN FAO Africover database. To actually download the data you have to go to this website: and register.
Maps and GIS data

UN FAO Africover

Understanding hydrological processes in an ungauged catchment in sub-Saharan Africa

Marloes L. Mul, CRC Press/Balkema (2009)

A thesis towards the better understanding of the hydrological processes in ungauged catchments in sub-Saharan Africa (source)
Understanding hydrological processes in an ungauged catchment in sub-Saharan Africa

USGS geology, oil and gas map of Africa

Maps showing geology, oil and gas fields and geologic provinces of Africa.
USGS geology, oil and gas map of Africa

Water for Rural Communities

Erik Nissen-Petersen, Birgit Madsen, Munguti Katui-Katua, DANIDA (2006)

How Kenyan rural communities can create their own water supplies with assistance from the Water Services Trust Fund (source)
Water for Rural Communities

Water from Dry Riverbeds

Erik Nissen-Petersen, DANIDA (2006)

How dry and sandy riverbeds can be turned into water sources by hand-dug wells, subsurface dams, weirs and sand dams (source)
Water from Dry Riverbeds

Water from roads

Erik Nissen-Petersen, DANIDA (2006)

A handbook for technicians and farmers on harvesting rainwater from roads (source)
Water from roads

Water from Rock Outcrops

Erik Nissen-Petersen, DANIDA (2006)

A handbook for engineers and technicians on site investigations, designs, construction and maintenance of rock catchment tanks and dams (source)
Water from Rock Outcrops

Water from roofs

Erik Nissen-Petersen, DANIDA (2006)

A handbook for technicians and builders on survey, design, construction and maintenance of roof catchments (source)
Water from roofs

Water from sand rivers; A manual on site survey, design, construction and maintenance of seven types of water structures in riverbeds

Erik Nissen-Petersen, Sida's Regional Land Management Unit (2000)

Sand rivers, also called dry riverbeds, transport rainwater run-off from highlands to the sea through the most dry parts of this planet where water is very scarce. Although flood water may be drawn from the sand in some riverbeds for a short period of time after floods, the big majority of sand rivers are dry throughout the years. This book explains in simple terms how dry riverbeds can be changed into water sources for long periods after floods - and in some cases throughout the years. The usual problems of contamination and evaporation in hot climates are almost eliminated due the water being trapped and stored underground between the sand particles of riverbeds. This book is based on the author’s practical experience on developing affordable water supply systems in some of the driest parts of Africa and Asia over the last 25 years. (source)
RELMA Technical Handbook Series No. 23 (all items in this serie)

Rainwater harvesting
Infiltration and artificial recharge

Water from sand rivers; A manual on site survey, design, construction and maintenance of seven types of water structures in riverbeds

Water from sand-rivers

Erik Nissen-Petersen, WEDC Conference (1997)

A manual with guidelines for extraction of water out of (dry) sand rivers. (source)
Water from sand-rivers

Water from Small Dams

Erik Nissen-Petersen, DANIDA (2006)

A handbook for technicians, farmers and others on site investigations, designs, cost estimates, construction and maintenance of small earth dams (source)
Water from Small Dams

Water harvesting; A Manual for the Design and Construction of Water Harvesting Schemes for Plant Production

Will Critchley, Klaus Siegert, FAO (1991)

A manual that focusses on simple, field scale systems for improved production of crops, trees and rangeland species in drought prone areas. (source)

Water harvesting; A Manual for the Design and Construction of Water Harvesting Schemes for Plant Production

Water Measurement with Flumes and Weirs

A.J. Clemmens, T.L. Wahl, M.G. Bos, J.A. Replogle, ILRI (2001)

A manual that describes how to design, construct, and operate long-throated flumes to measure and control water flow in open channels. (source)
ILRI Publication 58 (all items in this serie)


Water Measurement with Flumes and Weirs

Water supply by Rural Builders

Erik Nissen-Petersen, DANIDA (2006)

This handbook, Water Supply by Rural Builders, is the 8th in a series of handbooks that gives guidelines on how to carry out simple, yet adequate, surveys, designs and construction of basic water projects. (source)
Water for Arid Lands Book 8 (all items in this serie)

Socio-economic and organisation

Water supply by Rural Builders

Water Surveys and Designs

Erik Nissen-Petersen, DANIDA (2006)

Explains survey techniques and gives standard designs with average costs on water supply structures (source)
Water Surveys and Designs

WHO Chemical fact sheets


A list with the chemical properties and effects of substances in relation to water quality and hygiene (source)
WHO Chemical fact sheets

WHYMAP - groundwater resources maps per continent

Groundwater resources maps for each continent. These maps are also available for in the WHYMAP webviewer:
WHYMAP - groundwater resources maps per continent

WHYMAP - Web viewer

Online viewer of the groundwater resources maps. PDF versions of the maps can be downloaded here:
WHYMAP - Web viewer

WHYMAP - World-wide groundwater resources maps

Global maps of 'Groundwater Resources of the World' and Large aquifer systems of the world (scale 1:25,000,000 to 1:50,000,000).
WHYMAP - World-wide groundwater resources maps

World Map Finder

WorldMapFinder has a huge collection of maps collected from the internet. All maps are sorted by countries, cities and so on.
Maps and GIS data

World Map Finder

ZamZar file conversion

Free online conversion from (almost) any format to (almost) any format (images, documents, music, videos, archives, etc.).

ZamZar file conversion