Sander de Haas presented the work SamSamWater has been doing on refugee camps and crisis response mapping during the Google Geo for Good 2019 Summit.

Partner Panel presentation on Maps for crisis relief by Sander de Haas

During the summit they organised a a build-a-thon where particpiants from different organisations could build a project using mapping tools, collaboratively. Together with Christian Thomas & Brendan Jarrell of SkyTruth, Sander worked on a Map Toolbox for humanitarian aid workers. This Map Toolbox can support humanitarian aid workers in the planning and management of refugee camps and make information quickly available in crisis situations.

At the end of the summit a functional first version of the toolbox was presented and the team won the build-a-thon award for ‘Best Social Impact’! We are very proud of this!

This prototype shows the concept works very well, now we have to extend the toolbox to include more data sources and add extra functionality. We will use this prototype to find partners (both technical and funding) to bring this to the next level. If you are interested, please contact

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