Cedrick Gijsbertsen

Op 30 oktober 2015 heeft een benefietavond plaatsgevonden voor de bewoners van Mude in Nepal. SamSamWater heeft hier het waterproject nader toegelicht.


In de droge periode kampen de dorpen met een gebrekkige watervoorziening. SamSamWater heeft in april 2015 een missie uitgevoerd naar Mude Nepal om het watersysteem in kaart te brengen en de watervoorziening te verbeteren. Met de benefietavond, georganiseerd door stichting Tashi Delek, is geld ingezameld om de bestaande watervoorziening te repareren en te verbeteren.


De presentatie is hier te bekijken:


Presentatie SamSamWater watervoorziening Mude Nepal



The latest mission to Wiggins Primary School in Kumi Uganda resulted in 2 successful boreholes. The boreholes are both fitted with handpumps. The water from the boreholes will be used as drinkingwater for the 1000 pupils of the primary school. The first results of waterquality- and capacitytests of the boreholes are positive.


For the next 6 months the quality and capacity of the boreholes will be monitored by the schoolstaff and -children. After these 6 months the results of the monitoring and the possibilties for an upgrade to a solar powered system will be evaluated.


Backgrounds of the project can be found on:




Terrameter in progress

Last Saturday the 16th Cedrick Gijsbertsen and Maarten Kuiper gave a workshop about water harvesting at the “The Gambia Day” in Veghel. The seminar was organised by Wereldhulporganisaties.nl to improve cooperation of private initiatives (PI’s) in developing The Gambia. With 25 different foundations and more than 100 persons concerned with the development of The Gambia, the seminar was well visited. Among them, an impressive delegation from The Gambia (with the Gambian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Gambia’s ambassador in Brussels) was present. Our workshop on water-related topics turned out to be a great success! The interaction with the group and following discussions, showed that water is a very important topic! Our presentation can be found here: