Contact us
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Contact details

SamSamWater Foundation
Westzijderveld 101 R
1507 AA Zaandam
The Netherlands
phone +31 (0)6 44 988 559

Bank account (IBAN): NL97 TRIO 0198 3958 84, Triodos Bank. BIC: TRIONL2U
Registration number: 50906453 Kamer van Koophandel te Amsterdam

Support SamSamWater!

ANBI status SamSamWater is ANBI certified, which means that donations to the foundation are tax-deductible according to Dutch regulations. Please visit for more information (in Dutch)

It is also possible to directly transfer your donation to our bank account (IBAN), NL97 TRIO 0198 3958 84 (Triodos Bank. BIC: TRIONL2U) SamSamWater Foundation in Zaandam, or using donate online.

Thank you for your support!